Who is Sunnysoul?

Sunnysoul is a young woman whose vision is to support others on their path to holistic healing. It has always been close to my heart to make the world a more peaceful and loving place where everyone can draw from their full potential. Early on I understood that health is a holistic construct and that body, mind and spirit are intimately connected.

Holism is also reflected in Sunnysoul`s division into Present, Past and Future.

The cornerstone of my work is my activity as a yoga teacher, I also offer meditation and relaxation courses to ground you completely in the here and now. If you would like to take a closer look at the past, perhaps a CTW hypnotherapy would be just right for you! Are you at a turning point in your life and don’t quite know what to do next? I have developed a vision coaching that supports you exactly with these questions!

It is very important to me to offer you a safe space where you can feel safe and comfortable. I am happy to support you in recognizing and bringing your inner light to shine and bring more lightness into your life.

CTW- Hypnotherapy is used in numerous areas. In a state of deep relaxation and contemplation, you will be able to heal mentally heal injuries of your past, or work on current issues or symptoms. Through hypnosis you will regain a good contact to your feelings and consciously go through the feeling into your healing.
Yoga & Meditation/ Relaxation
Through yoga, meditation and relaxation exercises you will consciously ground yourself in the here and now. here and now, calm your mind and intensify the connection with your body. with your body. Yoga makes your body stronger, more flexible and healthier and healthier and strengthens your psyche. Meditation and relaxation have a have a beneficial effect on your mind, calm the mind and create a state of inner peace. and create a state of inner peace within you.
The vision coaching programme I developed is a powerful tool to get to know yourself with all your abilities and needs and to design your individual path according to your own ideas. I pick you up where you are right now and support you in finding out where your journey is leading you.


Are there any questions left? Then feel free to write or call me!

If you would like to make an appointment, you can do so hier!

Would you like to learn more about Sunnysoul?

Then just send us an e-mail or call us. You can reach us at the phone number: 015739666852 (contact person: Geraldine Rumahi). We will be happy to answer your questions and make an appointment with you if necessary.